Julia Lezhneva, Dmitry Sinkovsky and La Voce Strumentale at the Rheingau Music Festival

Julia Lezhneva, Dmitry Sinkovsky and La Voce Strumentale at the Rheingau Music Festival

The Rheingau Music Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe that  hosts over 170 concerts per year in the entire region from Frankfurt via Wiesbaden to the Middle Rhine Valley . Unique cultural monuments such as Kloster Eberbach, Schloss Johannisberg, Schloss Vollrads and the Kurhaus Wiesbaden as well as cozy wineries are transformed into concert stages for the stars of international music scene, from classics to jazz, cabaret and world music. The main theme of ​​2018 year is ’friendship’, and the key message of ​​the Rheingau Music Festival is to gather musical companions and friends in the Rheingau.

Dmitry Sinkovsky&La Voce Strumentale together with soprano Julia Lezhneva will perform at the Basilica of Eberbach Monastery, a former Cistercian Abbey located near Kiedrich in the Rheingau, surrounded by vineyards and woods. Founded in 1136, the spacious buildings, with their Romanesque and Early Gothic interiors, are ranked among the most remarkable surviving monuments of medieval monastery architecture in Europe. Read more


The concert will be streamed live on the  ARD Radio homepage from 8 pm 20.07.